Dear Friends,

Can you believe it’s already May? If you are a teacher or work for the school system, I know you can! This month, Premier Pilates is offering a 20% discount to all school district employees on every package except the Mini-Mat. This is to say “Thank-you!” for all the hard work you do with our students.

We have three massage winners this month! Every time someone purchases a package, their name goes into a drawing. At the end of the month, the winner is drawn. This month, the winner is Dr. Humphrey! We are adding a massage for the person with the most referrals that turn into a package purchase. We have two winners this month…it’s a tie! Both Shelly Peacock and Tia Deebanks referred three new people to the studio, and all six referrals bought packages! Congratulations to Shelly, Tia, and Dr. Humphrey. I hope everyone enjoys their massages. They do have an expiration date, so be sure to use them by the end of the month!

We’ve had great attendance for the Mini-Mat classes! These classes meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:15 – 12:45. Kudos to all of you who are committing your lunch hours to physical fitness! Way to go!
If you are interested in attending a class and don’t see one on the schedule that works for you, please send me a text or an email requesting a class for a particular time. I’ll do my best to accomodate you! You will find the schedule on my website,

Finally, if you’re looking for ways to spend more quality time with a friend or your significant other, consider taking a duet class together. There are several couples and many good friends who share a workout together once or twice a week. It’s a nice experience.

We have left the MINDBODY booking system and are now using FITLI. We welcome any feedback you may have…so far it’s been very positive.The most significant difference is you must pay up front to book a class online. It’s the way their system is set up. If you’ve already purchased a class package, it will simply take one session off your balance.
Here’s wishing you a marvelous May! Enjoy the sunshine and all the new growth that is within and around you.

Jan Thorne
Owner –

Premier Pilates
599 Vickers Place,
Suite A